- Logistics Revolution Korea
- Best Logistics Solution Provider
Company Profile

- Logistics Revolution Korea is striving to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic companies such as public, manufacturing, distribution, and logistics companies.
Logistics Revolution Korea is making a decisive contribution to dramatically improving the logistics capability of the company by supporting logistics innovation activities to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic companies such as public, manufacturing, distribution, and logistics companies.
We are actively participating in national policies that aim to become a logistics hub in Northeast Asia, and are supporting the strengthening of national logistics competitiveness by attracting investment from foreign logistics companies such as Japan, attracting international repatriation cargo, supporting the establishment of national logistics policies, and participating in national logistics system improvement projects.
Hello? Logistics Revolution Korea,
are a logistics solution company established in 1998 by logistics and distribution experts in Japan.

Logistics Revolution Korea was established in 2000 as a joint venture with Logistics Revolution Japan, and aims to become the best logistics solution company in Northeast Asia.
Based on the know-how of the logistics and distribution industry acquired in the long-term logistics industry and the knowledge gained from global consulting companies, we want to contribute to the efficiency of corporate and public logistics by creating a logistics solution suitable for the environment of the Northeast Asian region. In particular, Logistics Revolution Korea provides logistics, SCM consulting, and information strategy consulting to improve logistics efficiency in the corporate and public sectors.
Logistics Revolution Korea will provide differentiated logistics consulting and solutions that can win-win for both manufacturers, distributors and logistics companies under the basic concept of 'reducing logistics costs by supporting joint logistics activation'.
We, Logistics Revolution Korea, are always striving to have more creative, honest, and more efficient innovations.
We will do our best to provide convenient and beneficial services that incorporate the voices of our customers, and to provide transparent precision management that incorporates the voices of our customers.
We ask for more love and attention.
Thank you.
Based on the know-how of the logistics and distribution industry acquired in the long-term logistics industry and the knowledge gained from global consulting companies, we want to contribute to the efficiency of corporate and public logistics by creating a logistics solution suitable for the environment of the Northeast Asian region. In particular, Logistics Revolution Korea provides logistics, SCM consulting, and information strategy consulting to improve logistics efficiency in the corporate and public sectors.
Logistics Revolution Korea will provide differentiated logistics consulting and solutions that can win-win for both manufacturers, distributors and logistics companies under the basic concept of 'reducing logistics costs by supporting joint logistics activation'.
We, Logistics Revolution Korea, are always striving to have more creative, honest, and more efficient innovations.
We will do our best to provide convenient and beneficial services that incorporate the voices of our customers, and to provide transparent precision management that incorporates the voices of our customers.
We ask for more love and attention.
Thank you.
CEO Yoon Jang-seok

- Vision
고객에게 토탈 솔루션을 제공하여
성취감을 얻고, 직원들에게 지식습득을
통한 직장생활의 보람을 얻고,
최상의 전문기업이 된다.
- Mission
물류혁명은 북아시아, 일본을 중심으로, 물류/SCM의
산업Knowledge를 확보하여 아시아 지역의 환경에
걸맞는 물류컨설팅, 물류솔루션을 제공하여 고객의
성공적인 비즈니스를 지원하는 역할을 한다.
- People
우리의 컨설턴트, 엔지니어는 우리의 고객을
대상으로 Innovation, Integration,
Implementation에 전문가적 능력을 바탕으로
서비스를 지원한다.
- 11
- 한국물류대상 국무총리표창 수상
- 08
- 인천남동 스마트물류플랫폼 구축 운영사업 물류운영협의회 결성
- 03
- 일본 지능형 물류로봇 제조사 MUJIN과 MOU체결
- 11
- 기업부설 연구소 “물류혁명 AI물류연구소“ 명칭 변경
- 08
- 4차 산업혁명 스마트 물류기술 R&D세미나 개최
- 07
- 경기도 공공물류유통 전략수립 연구용역
- 12
- 국토교통부 항공물류정보시스템 효율적 활용방안 마련 연구
- 06
- 한국농수산식품유통공사 농식품 수출 확대지원 컨설팅
- 12
- 인천국제공항 항공물류 공동화 컨설팅 사업 추진
- 10
- IBM-STERLING Smarter Commerce 파트너 계약 체결
- 01
- 대한상공회의소 물류혁신 컨설팅사 선정
- 07
- 한국형 물류성과지표 LPI 개발
- 11
- 물류/SCM 진단 방법론 활용 제휴 - LSC (동경공업대)
- 11
- 한국 SCM 대상 컨설팅 부문 대상 수상
- 11
- 한국물류대상 건설교통부 장관 표창 수상
- 03
- 전략과제,SCM 시스템 기술 개발 (중소기업청)
- 04
- MITSUI & CO. Korea Ltd., 와 비즈니스 어드바이저 계약
- 06
- “기업부설 연구소” 설립, (사)한국산업기술진흥협회
- 05
- 중기청 “e컨설팅 컨소시엄 선정” (인하대, 대진대, 연세대)
- 12
- 물류혁명코리아 법인 설립 (대표: 윤장석)
- 05
- 물류혁명 설립 (대표: 무라야마 오사무)
- Consulting
- Logistics Revolution Korea provides optimal knowledge services to various industries, companies and public institutions. We provide customized consulting based on our experience in logistics new business strategy, business model development, base optimization, center construction and operation design.
- Solution
- Customers' demands for logistics services become more complex and difficult. Logistics Revolution Korea uses AI-based optimization tools to present optimization plans to respond to logistics demands.
- Benchmarking & Best Practice
LSC (Logistics Score Card) is a simple benchmarking methodology that can diagnose/evaluate tasks from the perspective of overall optimization of SCM. It is jointly developed by Tokyo Institute of Technology and Logistics Association in Japan to solve organizational constraints and limitations of existing models that hinder effective SCM.
It consists of a total of 22 items in four areas: strategy/organization, planning/execution ability, information technology, and logistics performance.
- Logistics Robot
- With comprehensive support such as industrial robot controller, 3D vision system, logistics robot, FA robot, and mobile robot, we propose a total logistics robot solution from the upper process of logistics to the final loading.